A Guide to Better Breathing - Online Course

This unique East meets West perspective to breathing offers practical advice and techniques that will enable the participant to learn skills from two recognised effective approaches. Respiratory physiotherapy has proven benefits on quality of life, reducing breathlessness and managing anxiety for people with breathing problems / dysfunctional breathing patterns. Yoga has been taught and practised for hundreds of years and is known to reduce stress, improve positivity and health. In yoga the breathing practices are known as Pranayama as in addition to breathing in oxygen we breathe in Prana (cosmic energy ) it enters into every area of the body physical, vital and mental and Ayama means control, regulation or mastery. Breathing is a vital process if we don’t breathe we don’t live. Sorrow pain and anger can all disrupt breathing. Respiratory diseases such as asthma and emphysema will also affect our breathing. In this course, Sally Williams, a qualified yoga teacher and Rachel Garrod, a PhD qualified Respiratory Physiotherapist will explain how we breathe, what dysfunctional breathing is and how it causes poor health. You will watch as we demonstrate and teach you 7 practical breathing techniques that will improve ventilation, maximise lung volume and help you breathe freely through stress. This unique combination of Pranayama and Respiratory Physiotherapy will help reduce fears and anxiety and improve the quality of our breathing. This course is for anyone who wishes to learn, from specialists in recognised fields of health care, how to breathe better and feel better.