Curriculum Vitae: Dr Rachel Garrod

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Dr. Rachel Garrod

Telephone: +34 699 501 190

Nationality: British (Spanish Residencia)

Languages: English (Official), Spanish (Basic)

Professional Membership

Colegio de Fisioterapeuta (6968)

Chartered Society Physiotherapy (51059)


Work Experience

February, 2022

London, England

Ph.D: University of London

Strategies to improve the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation.

July, 2001

Kingston University

Post Graduate

Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

september, 1997

Terrace, London

M.Sc Health Sciences

St. George’s Hospital Medical School

june, 1994

St Thomas’ Hospital ,London.

BSc. level

Higher Degrees Course Physiology


1988 to 1991

St. Thomas’ Street, London, UK

Post graduate Diploma of Physiotherapy

Guy’s Hospital School of Physiotherapy


present appointments

San Pedro, Marbella, Spain

Physiotherapy, Freelance lecturer
and Smoking cessation counselor.

july, 2009 to december, 2012

Kings College Hospital (NHS)

Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

October, 2005

Reader in Physiotherapy

St George’s, University of London & Kingston University

School of Physiotherapy

january, 2000 to october, 2005

Senior lecturer

St George’s, University of London & Kingston University

School of Physiotherapy

April, 1995 to December, 1999

Research Physiotherapist

The London Chest Hospital

May, 1993 to April, 1995

Respiratory Physiotherapist

The Royal London Hospital

July, 1991 to May, 1993

Junior Physiotherapist

St Thomas’ Hospital

At Present

Since moving to Spain I have been working as a private practitioner of respiratory physiotherapy:

Better Breathing for Life Programme

I provide specialized respiratory physiotherapy aimed at improving exercise tolerance and quality of life for people with pulmonary conditions;

  • Individualised exercise therapy for people recovering from cardiovascular or pulmonary surgery (eg after lung cancer surgery)
  • Lung function testing and diagnostic interpretation
  • Stop Smoking Service (unique programme ultilising Cytisine (herbal nicotine replacement) and behaviour change programme
  • Pre-surgery rehabilitation programmes
  • Rehabilitation for chronic heart failure / kidney failure
  • Asthma (breathing retraining and anxiety management)
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation (exercise for all chronic respiratory problems)
  • COPD (airway clearance and physical activity programmes)
  • Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis (airway clearance and exercise programmes)
  • Chronic cough (cough suppression and vocal hygiene therapies)
  • Management of anxiety and panic attacks
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (graded exercise therapy – “Start low and go slow” individualized programmes, and cognitive behavior therapy approaches)

I continue freelance lecturing in UK and elsewhere (teaching on “Advanced Respiratory Rehabilitation” MSc, Belfast). Until Jan 2017 I sat on the ethics monitoring committee for BREATHE –A Randomised Controlled Trial evaluating face to face breathing retraining for asthma with video training. I provided the key note lecture to the Irish Chartered Society of Physiotherapists annual conference in Dublin December 2015 and spoke at the 29th Annual Panhellenic Scientific Congress of Physiotherapy, Athens, December 2019. In January 2021 I provided (5 hours) of online teaching to the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care.

Recent Publications

1. Laurien M. Buffart, Maike G. Sweegers, Anne M. May et al. Targeting Exercise Interventions to Patients with Cancer in Need: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. October 2018, Journal of the National Cancer Institute 110(11). DOI: 1093/jnci/djy161

2. Maike G. Sweegers, Teatske Altenburg, Johannes Brug, Laurien M. Buffart, et al. Effects and moderators of exercise on muscle strength, muscle function and aerobic fitness in patients with cancer: A meta-analysis of individual patient data. Sept 2018, British Journal of Sports Medicine 53(13):bjsports-2018-099191

3. Arietta Spinou, Kai K Lee, Aish Sinha, Caroline Elston, Michael R Loebinger, Robert Wilson, Kian Fan Chung, Nadia Yousaf, Ian D Pavord, Sergio Matos, Rachel Garrod, and Surinder S Birring. The objective assessment of cough frequency in bronchiectasis1 Oct 2017 Lung. 195, 5, p. 575-585

4. Arietta Spinou, J Siegert, Amit S. Patel,Harry R Gosker, Kai K Lee, Caroline Elston, Michael R Loebinger, Robert Wilson, Rachel Garrod, and Surinder S Birring. The development and validation of the Bronchiectasis Health Questionnaire (BHQ). 1 May 2017 European Respiratory Journal. 49, 5,

5. Buffart LM, Kalter J, et al. Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from 34 randomised controlled trials. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 52; 91 – 107. 2017

6. S Chamberlain Mitchell; R Garrod; L, Clark; A Douiri; S Parker; J Ellis; S Fowler; S Ludlow; J Hull; F Chung; K Lee; H Bellas; A Pandyan; S Birring. Physiotherapy, speech and language therapy intervention for patients with refractory chronic cough: a multi-centre randomised control trial. Thorax, 72; 129 – 136. 2017

7. Charles C Reilly, Claudia Bausewein, Rachel Garrod, Caroline J Jolley, John Moxham, Irene J Higginson. Breathlessness during daily activity: The psychometric properties of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale (LCADL) in patients with advanced disease and refractory breathlessness. Palliative Medicine, 15: 12 2016.

8. Rachael H Summers, Claire Ballinger, Dimitra Nikoletou, Rachel Garrod, Anne Bruton and Miranda Leontowitsch. Giving hope, ticking boxes or securing services? A qualitative study of respiratory physiotherapists’ views on goal-setting with people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Clinical Rehabilitation 1 -14: 2016.

9. Arietta Spinou, Konstantinos C Fragkos, Kai K Lee, Caroline Elston, Richard J Siegert, Michael R Loebinger, Robert Wilson, Rachel Garrod. The validity of health-related quality of life questionnaires in bronchiectasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2016; 71:8 683-694

Previous Positions

Reader/Associate Professor: School of Physiotherapy

In this post I led on the research within the department, supported MSc and PhD students. My PhD thesis was accepted February 2002; “Strategies to improve the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” and since then I have been active within cardio-pulmonary research. My research interests include evaluation of patients with COPD, non-invasive ventilation, outcome measurement, strategies to relieve dyspnoea eg: exercise, oxygen, breathing control, exercise and cancer, survivorship. I have extensive experience of managing clinical research trials running studies, management of data, statistical analysis and paper writing. I have experience of research budget management. I have successfully supported 4 PhD candidates as first supervisor and am presently supervising 2 PhD students. I have successfully supervised and examined a number of MSc students. I am PI on 2 externally funded research grants. I have recently completed a study concerning activity post surgery for lung cancer and have completed studies in exercise for multiple myeloma and exercise for breast cancer survivors.

Senior lecturer

As senior lecturer I managed and lectured on two cardio-respiratory modules, first and second year undergraduate Physiotherapy. I have experience as exams officer in setting, marking and validating exams on a UK BSc Physiotherapy course, most recently (until July 2018) as external Examiner Keele University. I have over 10 years´ experience as Clinical supervisor. I have experience in curriculum development and Quality Assurance Assessment. I have contributed to teaching Research Methods at undergraduate and MSc level as well as facilitating the development of a rehabilitation MSc within the faculty. I have supported and initiated innovative changes in curriculum development, peer learning and on line assessment.

Consultant Physiotherapist

Until January 2013 I was the research and clinical lead for Pulmonary and renal rehabilitation, KCH in collaboration with Lambeth and Southwark Primary Care provides one of the largest and most comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation programmes across London with over 1000 referrals per year and delivery across 7 community sites. My position as Consultant was to provide strategic leadership for the service as a whole (including integration with acute trust COPD service delivery), support the development of research across pulmonary and renal agendas, facilitate the development of innovative and efficient strategies as appropriate and provide close liaison with PCT funders re COPD service development.


I have experience of respiratory care in both acute intensive care and medical in-patients and out-patients, with a research special interest in pulmonary rehabilitation and non invasive ventilation. My clinical expertise included rehabilitation for a number of chronic conditions, eg: kidney failure, chronic heart failure. I have extensive experience in the assessment of patients for oxygen, in the use of oxygen, the management of pulmonary rehabilitation and non-invasive positive ventilation. I have experience in the management of hyperventilation syndrome, chronic cough, Cystic Fibrosis, chronic asthma, COPD and other respiratory disease. I am experiences in the use of adjuncts such as respiratory muscle training, PEP mask and Cornet and am competent in the physiotherapeutic management of complex patients on Intensive Care.

Funding Awards

  • Physiotherapy Research Foundation: £108,999.13 October 2011
  • British Lung Foundation: Restoring Activity Post Surgery (RAPS): Exercise after thoracotomy for patients with lung cancer. £116,000. November 2009
  • CLRN funding £22,000 September 2010
  • Wandsworth PCT: Physical Activity Top Up Programme (PAT on the Back) for COPD; £42,000
  • Therapies Research Fund, St George’s Hospital Trust, £44,000 July 2007: An evaluation of mobility and strengthening training programme post thoracotomy for people with lung cancer.
  • The Health Foundation, “Leading Practice Through Research” £83,000- June 2003- 2004. “Predictors of success and failure in pulmonary rehabilitation”.
  • Kingston University, Learning and Teaching Award £1000 – February 2003
  • Commissioned Evidence Briefing C.S.P. £2000 – March 2002
  • Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, St George’s Hospital Medical School. Research development grant £15,000 . October 2004
  • Therapies Research Fund, St George’s Hospital Trust, £28,188 July 2005. “An evaluation of acute cytokine response to exercise, pre and post pulmonary rehabilitation”.
  • GlaxoSmithKline £20,000 An evaluation of relationship between IL6, CRP and exercise tolerance in COPD. 2005
  • GlaxoSmithKline £41,840.20. An evaluation of fatigue in COPD. June 2006

Further Professional Publications

1. Peter Klijn, Monique Legemaat, Anita Beelen, Anton van Keimpema, Rachel Garrod, Mirella Bergsma, Bill Paterson, Andrew Stuijfzand, and Henk van Stel. Validity, Reliability, and Responsiveness of the Dutch Version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale in Patients With Severe COPD. Medicine Volume 94, Number 49, December 2015

2. Arbane, G; Douiri, A; Hart, N; Hopkinson, N; Singh, S; Speed, C; Valladares, B; Garrod, R. The effect of post-operative physical exercise training on activity after curative surgery for non- small cell lung cancer: A multicenter randomised controlled trial. Physiotherapy. 2014 Jun;100(2):100-7. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2014 Feb 12

3. Hogg L, Grant A, Garrod R, Fiddler H. People with COPD perceive ongoing, structured and socially supportive exercise opportunities to be important for maintaining an active lifestyle following pulmonary rehabilitation: a qualitative study. Journal of Physiotherapy. Volume 58 (3) pg 189 – 195 2012

3.1. Hogg L, Garrod R, Thornton H, McDonnell L, Bellas H, White P. Effectiveness, attendance, and completion of an integrated, system-wide pulmonary rehabilitation service for COPD: prospective observational study. Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD. 2012 Aug;9 (5):546-54.


  • James W Dodd, Lauren Hogg, Jane Nolan, Helen Jefford, Amy Grant, Victoria M Lord, Christine Falzon,  Rachel Garrod, Cassandra Lee, Michael I Polkey, Paul W Jones, William D-C Man, Nicholas S Hopkinson. The COPD assessment test (CAT): response to pulmonary rehabilitation. A multicentre, prospective study. Thorax; 66:425-429. 2011
  • Arbane G, Jackson D, Tropman D, Garrod R. Evaluation of an early exercise intervention after thoracotomy for non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)- effects on quality of life, muscle strength and exercise: RCT Lung cancer; 71; 229-234. 2011-
  • Carvalho, V.; Garrod, R.; Bocchi, E.; Pitta, F.; Guimaraes, G.  Validation of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale in Patients with Heart Failure. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Volume 42, Number 8, , pp. 715-718(4) September 2010
  • Corner E, Garrod R. Does the addition of Non-Invasive Ventilation during pulmonary rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease augment patient outcome in exercise tolerance? a literature review. Physiotherapy Research International, volume 15; 5- 15. 2010
  • J.H Hull, R Garrod, T.B Ho, RK Knight, J.R Cockcroft, D.J Shale, C.E Bolton. Increased augmentation index in patients with cystic fibrosis. Eur Respir J  34: 1322-1328. 2009
  • Lewko A, Bidgood P, Garrod R. Evaluation of psychological and physiological predictors of fatigue in patients with COPD. BMC pulmonary medicine; 9:47. 01/2009
  • Bott J, Blumenthal S, Buxton M, Ellum S, falconer C, Garrod R, Harvey A, Hughes T, Lincoln M, Mikelsons C, Potter C, Pryor J, Rimmington L, Sinfield F, Thompson C, Vaughn P, White J. Guidelines for the Physiotherapy management of the adult, medical, spontaneously breathing medical patient. Thorax, volume 64 S1-51: 2008.
  • Garrod R, Marshall J, Jones F. Self efficacy measurement and goal attainment after pulmonary rehabilitation. International Journal of COPD. International Journal of COPD December 3 (4); 791-96; 2008.
  • Carpes, M. F., Mayer, A. F., Simon, K. M., Jardim, J. R., & Garrod, R. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale for use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Bras.Pneumol., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 143-151.2008.
  • F Pitta, V. Probst; D Kovelis; N O. Segretti, A Leoni ; R Garrod,  A. Brunetto. Validation of the Portuguese version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale (LCADL) in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Rev.Port.Pneumol., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 27-47. 2008
  • Hull, J., Ansley, L., Garrod R., Dickinson, J.W. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction -should we screen? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 39(12):2117-2124, December 2007
  • R. Garrod, J Marshall, E Barley, S Fredericks, G Hagan. Relationships between Inflammatory Markers and Disability in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)   Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 16 (4); 236-240. 2007
  • G Mein and R Garrod. Mixed severity rehabilitation classes for COPD patients. Are they successful? The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) 39, 17-21. 2007
  • R Garrod. Physiotherapy in critical care (letter). Intensive Care Medicine, 33 (12); 2234 2007.
  • R Garrod, T Lasserson. Role of Physiotherapy in the management of chronic lung diseases: An overview of systematic reviews. Respiratory Medicine, 101; 2429 – 2436. 2007.
  • J. Canavan, R.Garrod, J. Marshall, D. Jackson, P. Ansley, A. Jewell. Measurement of the acute inflammatory response to walking exercise in COPD: Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation. International Journal of COPD, 2 (3) 347- 352. 2007
  • Canavan, J., Robson-Ansley, P., Garrod, R., & Jewell, A (letter). Inflammatory response to exercise in COPD. Respir Med., vol. 100, no. 6, pp. 1125-1126: 2006.
  • R Garrod, P Ansley, J Canavan, A Jewell. Exercise and the inflammatory response in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); does training confer anti-inflammatory properties in COPD? Medical Hypotheses 68, 291-298 2007
  • Hewitt, J. A., Mokbel, K., van Someren, K. A., Jewell, A. P., & Garrod, R. Exercise for breast cancer survival: the effect on cancer risk and cancer-related fatigue (CRF), Int.J Fertil.Womens Med., vol. 50, no. 5 Pt 1, pp. 231-239, 2005
  • A.Lewko, J. Marshall, R. Garrod. Ambulatory oxygen therapy assessment: A comparative study of incremental shuttle and six-minute walking tests. Physiotherapy. 93(4): 261-66. 2007
  • R Garrod. Respiratory research in the UK, where are we now. Physiotherapy Research International (editorial);11(4):189-90 2006 Dec
  • J. Canavan, R.Garrod, A. Jewell P. Ansley. Inflammatory response to exercise in COPD (letter) Respiratory Medicine 100, 1126- 1127. 2006
  • R Garrod, P Bidgood, P Soan. What do respiratory physiotherapists really do? Stage 1 of a consensus project. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. 38, 26-31. 2006.
  • R Garrod: Pulmonary rehabilitation in older people. CME Journal Geriatric Medicine 8 (1); 18 –22 2006
  • R Garrod, J Marshall,E Barley, P W Jones. Predictors of Success and Failure in Pulmonary Rehabilitation. European Respiratory Journal 27 (4): 788- 94; 2006
  • R Garrod and J Backley. Community Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Meeting Demand in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Physical Therapy Reviews 11: 57 – 61; 2006
  • J Hewitt, K Mokbel, K van Someran, A Jewell, R Garrod. Exercise for breast cancer survival: The effect of exercise on cancer risk and cancer-related fatigue (CRF). International Journal of fertility 50 (5), 231-239; 2005.
  • R Garrod. National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness; Guidelines for the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. 37, 65- 67; 2005.
  • R Garrod, K Dallimore, J Cook,  V Davies, K Quade. An evaluation of the acute impact of pursed lips breathing on walking distance in non spontaneous pursed lips breathing COPD patients. Chronic Respiratory Disease. 2 (2) : 67- 73; 2005.
  • The Clinical Effectiveness Forum for Allied Health Professionals. Enhancing Stakeholder involvement in NICE Guideline Development: Learning lessons from the experience of the allied health professionals, health visiting, midwifery and nursing. Health Professions Federation. October 2004
  • National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. National clinical guideline on management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults in primary and secondary care.  Thorax. 59 Suppl 1:1-232, 2004.
  • R Garrod, K Dix, C Daly, C Hoareau, M Howard, C Simmonds. Pulmonary rehabilitation: analysis of a clinical service according to impairment and response to rehabilitation. Physiotherapy Research International, 9 (3); 111 – 121, 2004
  • S Baines, M Morgan, R Garrod. Standards for Out Patient Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care vol 36, pp44; 2004.
  • R. Garrod, C. Daly, C Horeau. The effect of pursed lips breathing on exercise capacity and breathlessness in patients with COPD. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care vol 36, pp29; 2004.
  • K Nandi, A.A Smith, A Crawford, , K.D MacRae, R Garrod C.M. Roberts, W.A Seed. Exercise intolerance: Oxygen supplementation before or after sub-maximal exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax, 58 (8): 670 – 4; 2003
  • J Bestall, EA Paul, R Garrod, R Garnham, P Jones, JA Wedzicha. Longitudinal trends in exercise capacity and health status after pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD.  term effects. Respiratory Medicine, 97 (2): 173 – 80;2003
  • R. Garrod, E.A Paul, J.A Wedzicha. An evaluation of the reliability and sensitivity of  the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale (LCADL). Respiratory Medicine, 96 : 725 – 730; 2002.
  • M Morgan, P Calverley,P.; C Clark, AC Davidson, R Garrod, J Goldman, TL Griffiths, E Roberts, E Sawicka, S Singh, L Wallace, R White. BTS Working Party: British Thoracic Society Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Thorax, 56: 827 – 834; 2001.
  • R Garrod & JC Bestall. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Physiological and psychological perspective. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation medicine, 13 (4): 265 – 281; 2001
  • R Garrod, EA Paul, JA Wedzicha. Supplemental oxygen during pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD with exercise hypoxaemia. Thorax,55 (7) 539 – 43; 2000.
  • R Garrod, C Mikelsons, EA Paul, JA Wedzicha. Randomised controlled trial of domiciliary non invasive positive pressure ventilation and physical training in severe COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 162: 1335 – 4; 2000.
  • R. Garrod, JC. Bestall, EA Paul, JA Wedzicha, PW. Jones. Development and validation of a standardized measure of activity of daily living in patients with severe COPD: the London Chest  Activity of Daily Living scale (LCADL) .Respiratory Medicine, 94 (6) :589-96; 2000
  • R Garrod, J Bestall, EA Paul and JA Wedzicha. Evaluation of pulse dose oxygen delivery during exercise in patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Thorax, 54 (3): 242 – 4;1999.
  • J Bestall, EA Paul, R Garrod, R Garnham, PW Jones, and JA Wedzicha. The MRC dyspnoea score is a useful measure of disability in patients with severe COPD. Thorax, 54: 581 –6; 1999.
  • R Garrod, The Role of oxygen in COPD Respiratory Disease in Practice, Autumn (3): 5 –7; 1999.
  • JA Wedzicha, J Bestall, R Garrod, R Garnham, EA Paul and PW Jones. Randomised controlled trial of pulmonary rehabilitation in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, stratified with the MRC dyspnoea scale. Eur Respir J, 12: 363-9;1998.
  • R Garrod, Pulmonary rehabilitation: The pros and cons of rehabilitation at home. Physiotherapy; Dec; 84(12): 603-7; 1998.
  • Garrod R. Garnham R. Bestall J. Wedzicha JA. Chronic hypoxia and pulmonary rehabilitation (letter) Thorax. 51(10):1068, 1996 Oct.

Other Outputs

Book: The Secret to Thriving with COPD. Available on

Online course: “A guide to Better Breathing” Available on

Editorial on behalf of the UK Respiratory Research Collaboration. Developing consensus on national respiratory research priorities: Key findings from the UK Respiratory Research Collaborative’s e-Delphi exercise. Respiratory Medicine 2008 102; 1089-1092:
Chapter in: Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems. Pulmonary rehabilitation. Pitta F and Garrod R. Editors:  Pryor and Prasad Churchill Livingstone, 2007, 4th edition.

Chartered Society Physiotherapy Guideline Programme review January – May 2006, participated in interviews and questionnaire survey to develop recommendations and identify the learning from CSP guidelines development programme.

DVD “Moving On Up”: Boeheringer / Pfizer sponsored patient exercise video, provided and taught exercises on the video, assisted development of script for video and editing.

Editor of: R Garrod. Pulmonary rehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Approach”. Whurr publishers, 2004

Chapter in: Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Mulitdisciplinary Intervention: 471 – 493. Editors:  Pryor and Prasad Churchill Livingstone, 2002, 3rd edition.

Commissioned Evidence Based Report on Pulmonary rehabilitation. “The effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation: evidence and implications for physiotherapists.” March 2003. CSP

Web based interactive resource Prous Science, S.A international Publishers


Linda Vista Baja, Calle Los Eucaliptos 77, San Pedro, Marbella, Spain 29670